Covers common questions about federal judges, the number and type of federal courts, how civil and criminal cases are filed, how to file for bankruptcy, eligibility in criminal cases for a court appointed lawyer under the Criminal Justice Act (CFJ), how to check on the status of a pending case, when courts will reach decisions, the method of assigning judges to cases, how to file a complaint against a judge, juror information, including juror qualifications and exemptions,
juror pay, and other matters pertinent to jury service, the Judicial Conference of the United States, and employment opportunities in the federal courts.
The PACER Service Center is the Federal Judiciary's centralized registration, billing, and technical support center for electronic access to U.S. District, Bankruptcy, and Appellate court records.
"This booklet is designed to introduce judges and judicial administrators in other countries to the United States federal judicial system, its organization and administration, and its relationship to the legislative and executive branches of the
government." And so it may prove very useful for the rest of us, too, since, unlike so many legal writings, it may take extra steps to explain how and why the judicial system works. Because it assumes a sophisticated audience, it may not be as simplistic and consumer oriented as some "understanding the law" writings. Includes a handy chart showing examples of state courts' and federal courts distinct and overlapping areas of jurisdiction, Also includes a section on the "distinctive features of the American Judicial System", including the adversary system, the common law system, the way fees and costs of litigation are handled, execution of judgments, court rules, reporting of judicial proceedings and publication of court opinions.
(2001, 2nd edition)(63 pages)
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