Publishes "primary source materials in the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government." Documents as ancient as 122 B.C. and as current as the 21st century.
Includes trial of Socrates, trial of Jesus, trial of Galileo, Salem witchcraft trials, John Peter Zenger trial, Boston Massacre trials, Mutiny on the Bounty court-martial, Burr conspiracy trial, Amistad trials, Dakota conflict (Sioux uprising) trials (in Minnesota), Lincoln conspiracy trial, Andrew Johnson impeachment trial, Susan B. Anthony trial, Louis Reil trial, Lizzie Borden trial, Oscar Wilde trials, Bill Haywood trial, Sheriff Shipp trial, Triangle fire trial, Back Sox trial, Sacco-Vanzetti trial, Leopold and Loeb trial, John Scopes "Monkey" trial (William Jennings Bryan prosecuting, Clarence Darrow defending)(which Prof. Linder selects as the greatest trial of the Twentieth Century),
Sweet trials, Scottsboro Boys trials, Bruno Hauptmann (Lindberg baby kidnapping) trial, Nuremberg trials, Alger Hiss trials, Rosenberg trial, Lenny Bruce trial,
Cecil Price trial for murder of civil rights workers in Mississippi, Chicago 7 anti-war protesters trial, My Lai courts martial, Charles Manson trial, John Hinckley Jr. trial (for attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan), Lindy and Michael Chamberlain trial (Australian trial involving the question: did the dingo do it?), McMartin Preschool abuse trial, LAPD officers trial (for beating Rodney King), O.J. Simpson murder trial, and Bill Clinton presidential impeachment trial.
More than a legal history site, although it is also that, this is a legal history advocacy site, complete with its own manifesto, critical of law schools for neglecting legal history and critical of modern lawyers' relative ignorance of legal history. Also a blog, interviews, and legal history quiz.
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