Main information page for Level 3 sex offenders locator with a definition of level 1, level 2 and level 3 offenders, a search function to locate level 3 offenders, a list of released offenders whose address is unknown, out of state offenders, and information about the community notification process.
"The Minnesota Legislature, as part of the passage of Katie's Law (named after Katie Poirier) in the 2000 legislative session, directed the Commissioner of Corrections to establish a site on the World Wide Web that contains information about the Level Three offenders living in the community."
"Retrieve public information about adult offenders who have been committed to the Commissioner of Corrections, and who are still ... in prison, or released from prison and still under supervision."
Names of prisons, idenfitying whether a particular prison is an adult or juvenile facility. Click any name for information about a particular prison, including visiting incarcerated inmates and a visiting privilege application form.
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