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For lawyers in private practice, corporate counsel, businesses, organizations, and government, we have a powerful subscriber edition built around our fully explorable law practice problem solving environment and intellectual capital system, Laugment.TM

It's an advanced lawyer augmentation system delivered in the form of a knowledge graph.

Laugment provides advanced, easy-to-use law practice thinking architecture via your desktop or handheld device browser.

As of January 1, 2023, Laugment knows more than 400,000 words and phrases. Because they are interconnected by 1,700,000 smart relationships, Laugment functions as an intellectual network extending your own mind. It also serves as a dynamic semantically-powered gateway to the best of the larger legal Web. If you don't have scores of dedicated knowledge management lawyers working on your behalf -- or, frankly, even if you do -- you need Laugment.

As a lawyer, you need an advanced lawyer-built law practice knowledge assistant / electronic mentor in myriad ways in your daily practice. But until Laugment came along, the Legal Web had no "brain" to make it more useful to practicing lawyers. The empty search box can't do what Laugment can do - make your most valuable asset -- your legal mind -- sharper, quicker, and more creative than ever. How? By providing you with a functioning "intellectual exoskeleton" magnifying your law practice mind -- one based on years of law practice modeling and real time legal transactive memory effects.

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Disclaimer: Laugment is not intended to substitute for a lawyer but rather to amplify the powers of smart people in real time and improve the lawyering process.


A Tour of our Search Collections

The LawMoose Minnesota Legal Web community search engine currently provides 9 search collections.

This page tells you more about the contents of the collection.

  • Minnesota Law Firms (large)

    This collection contains web sites for Minnesota law firms with fifty or more Minnesota attorneys.

  • Minnesota Law Firms (midsize)

    This collection contains web sites for Minnesota law firms with ten to forty-nine Minnesota attorneys.

  • Minnesota Law Firms (small/solos)

    This collection contains web sites for Minnesota law firms with two to nine Minnesota attorneys as well as web sites for individual attorneys practicing in Minnesota.

  • Minnesota Cases 2001-2002

    This collection also includes the cases published in the Minnesota State Law Library's archive of Minnesota Supreme Court and Court of Appeals cases, however, only cases issued in 2001-2002 are included.

  • Minnesota Courts

    This collection includes the sites published by Minnesota trial and appellate courts. It includes the District Court for the District of Minnesota and also the local bankrupty court. It includes the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. In addition to Judicial Branch courts, this collection includes sites published by Executive Branch bodies with adjudicative authorities, including the Minnesota Tax Court, Workers Compensation Court of Appeals, and Office of Administrative Hearings.

    Finally, this collection includes sites published by certain court-created bodies, including the Minnesota Board of Continuing Legal Education, the Minnesota Board on Judicial Standards and the Minnesota State Board of Law Examiners.

    This collection does not contain any of the Minnesota Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions. (They are a separate collection.)

  • Minnesota General

    Think of this collection as the Minnesota legal catch all collection, because that's exactly what it is. In order to create a search zone, we need to be able to assemble a reasonable number of pages from a group of related sites.

    This collection is the default collection for Minnesota law sites that have not been included in one of our other, more focused collections. Therefore, unless you know that you want only content from one or more of the other collections, it is important for you to search this collection too. You might be pleasantly surprised to find what you need. (Of course, an "All Collections" search automatically searches this and other available collections.)

    For example, this collection includes Minnesota county and state legal websites not published by the courts, such as the Hennepin County Attorney's web site and the Minneapolis division of the FBI. It also includes Minnesota law libraries' websites, including the Minnesota State Law Library and many county law libraries; Minnesota non-profit and legal service providers' web sites such as the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union, Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights and the Minnesota Legal Services Coalition; and other sites of general interest to the Minnesota legal community and those seeking law-related information.

  • Minnesota Law Schools

    This collection includes websites for the four Minnesota law schools as well as two Paralegal education programs in Minnesota and the Minnesota Intellectual Property Review.

  • Minnesota Legal Associations

    This collection includes web sites for both the state as well as the Hennepin and Ramsey county bar associations. In addition, this collection also contains Minnesota special interest legal and bar associations' web sites, including: the American Corporate Counsel Association- Minnesota Chapter; the American Immigration Lawyers Association- Minnesota-Dakotas Chapter; the Hmong Bar Association; the Minneapolis Chapter, American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants; the Minnesota Academy of Adoption Attorneys; the Minnesota American Indian Bar Association; the Minnesota Association of Black Lawyers; the Minnesota Association of Law Libraries; the Minnesota Chapter of the Legal Marketing Association; the Minnesota County Attorneys Association; the Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association; the Minnesota Hispanic Bar Association; the Minnesota Paralegals Association; the Minnesota Trial Lawyers Association; and Minnesota Women Lawyers.

  • Minnesota Statutes Subject Index

    If you are using the Minnesota Statutes, we think you'll find this collection very valuable. This collection allows you to retrieve pages of the official Minnesota Statutes Subject Index published by the Minnesota Revisor of Statutes by searching for any word or phrase. We do not prepare or publish the Subject Index itself. Instead of having to pre-select or preguess one of 7000 top level subject terms, just enter your search term in LawMoose, and instantly find lots of relevant subject entries, not just top level subject headings. The effect is to make the Subject Index a far more powerful tool than in print or as officially published by the State of Minnesota. Each search result page puts you just one click away from the full Minnesota statutory language. Note: Our search index to the subject index is as current as our last publication date. The Revisor updates the Statutes and Index once a year.


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