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For lawyers in private practice, corporate counsel, businesses, organizations, and government, we have a powerful subscriber edition built around our fully explorable law practice problem solving environment and intellectual capital system, Laugment.TM

It's an advanced lawyer augmentation system delivered in the form of a knowledge graph.

Laugment provides advanced, easy-to-use law practice thinking architecture via your desktop or handheld device browser.

As of January 1, 2023, Laugment knows more than 400,000 words and phrases. Because they are interconnected by 1,700,000 smart relationships, Laugment functions as an intellectual network extending your own mind. It also serves as a dynamic semantically-powered gateway to the best of the larger legal Web. If you don't have scores of dedicated knowledge management lawyers working on your behalf -- or, frankly, even if you do -- you need Laugment.

As a lawyer, you need an advanced lawyer-built law practice knowledge assistant / electronic mentor in myriad ways in your daily practice. But until Laugment came along, the Legal Web had no "brain" to make it more useful to practicing lawyers. The empty search box can't do what Laugment can do - make your most valuable asset -- your legal mind -- sharper, quicker, and more creative than ever. How? By providing you with a functioning "intellectual exoskeleton" magnifying your law practice mind -- one based on years of law practice modeling and real time legal transactive memory effects.

Here's what others have said.

And if you're an institutional client, or an in-house lawyer who hires outside counsel, let's talk about how we can mutually support your law firms' leap into 21st century-style value-magnified law practice.

Call us or ask us to call you.

Disclaimer: Laugment is not intended to substitute for a lawyer but rather to amplify the powers of smart people in real time and improve the lawyering process.


Here's Your Instant LawMoose Briefing

  • LawMoose serves lawyers, clients, large and small businesses, government workers, non-profit groups, legal referral sources and everyone interested in law and lawyers.

  • LawMoose has been on the Web since 2000, when it launched as the Web's first regional legal search engine.

  • Today, LawMoose lets you search across approximately one hundred thousand complementary legal community and government web pages at once. Since all content is editorially selected, pertains to law, and is published by the legal community, when you are using LawMoose, you're really using an entire ecosystem of web sites and knowledge about law and lawyers.

  • LawMoose now integrates three legal web "knowledge communities" -- they're much more than just "web gateways" - the Minnesota Legal Web, the Wisconsin Legal Web, and the LawMoose World Legal Resource CenterSM, a specialty search engine indexing a selection of valuable legal research sites.

  • You can use all our knowledge communities, individually and together. The complementary nature of our knowledge communities and our knowledge services translates into heightened relevance, convenience, and efficiency for you.

  • And, if you are a regular visitor, you can personalize LawMoose so it will always start up at your own community's home page.

  • LawMoose includes comprehensive Minnesota and Wisconsin judges directories covering federal and state court and administrative law judges.

  • LawMoose publishes the Minnesota Legal Periodicals Index in collaboration with the Minnesota State Law Library.

  • Reviewers already have said LawMoose is "the best starting point to find Minnesota-related legal information", that it "is quickly becoming the best site for ... Wisconsin legal information", that it is "an example of the highest, best use of the Web", and "a model legal portal site for lawyers nationwide", among other things.

Now, we are pleased to announce the newest LawMoose enhancements:
  • On June 19, 2003 at the Minnesota State Bar Association convention, LawMoose previewed the Web's first true Lawyer SelectorSM (coming soon) and the availability of advanced web tools for lawyers and firms to build Web's most comprehensive lawyer and law firm profiles ever. Stay tuned for further announcements!

  • LawMoose now publishes the Minnesota and Wisconsin Legal Reference Libraries, using our new knowledge thesaurus technology, LawSaurusTM. We're adding more reference materials all the time, and welcome suggestions. The key point: Our new electronic reference library concept and the technology that lets it work removes all the constraints on our libraries' ability to grow over time and still make everything easy to find.

  • We've introduced our new Search Engine interface. It is easier than ever to set the precise "scope" of the collections of law sites you can search simultaneously. (Some collections are better for finding people; others are better for preliminary legal research, etc.)

  • Now, you can also, for the first time, search across the contents of any two or all three of our knowledge community search engines at once (the LawMoose Mega-Search!)

  • With our latest update from the Minnesota State Law Library, the Minnesota Legal Periodical Index contains nearly 21,000 subject-classified legal articles from 1984 to the present and directly links to nearly 1000 full-text articles.

  • LawMoose has a whole new look. We hope you'll like our more elegant page design, new logo, and other graphic enhancements. No, you still will not find any Flash animations, popups, ads, or anything else to get in the way between you and what you want to do.

  • Also, note that LawMoose still works just fine in 800x600 screen resolution format. There is no need for a separate "print version", because we keep page width narrow.

  • The various parts of LawMoose are now more tightly integrated. Change communities by selecting the one you want to use by clicking on its name at the left top of any page. When it is active, you will see it in bold capital letters, and the others will be smaller by comparison. Once you've selected your community, our stylish new black navigation menu bar, found on the upper right of every page, lets you zoom around within any community to get the knowledge you need with the particular tool you need. (Some communities have more tools and more resources than others.)

  • All in all, we've put a lot of effort into "reinventing" the category we invented in the first place - the legal community knowledge server - to bring you the best organized Legal Web experience.

  • With this latest evolution, there's simply no other site like LawMoose anywhere!

  • To find out more, just complete our contact form or call us.

© 2003 Pritchard Law Webs. All rights reserved. LawMoose®, www.lawmoose.com, is published by Pritchard Law Webs, Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information, call Linda Ulbrich or LaVern Pritchard at 612-332-0102.


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LawMoose, Laugment, Laugment Relationship Language, LawSaurus, Home of the Minnesota Legal Web, Minnesota Law Practice Web, Home of the Wisconsin Legal Web, Wisconsin Law Practice Web, LawMoose World Legal Resource Center, MooseBoost, and Lawyer Selector are service marks of Pritchard Law Webs.