On May 28, 1999, the U.S. House of Representatives ceased publication of the Internet Law Library. Although the House redirected visitors to successor sites such as ours for a time, that service was discontinued. We therefore suggest that you
reset any links and bookmarks you may have had to the former site at http://law.house.gov.
Our address (URL) for the former House of Representatives Internet Law Library, now the Internet Law Library at Pritchard Law Webs, is: http://www.priweb.com/internetlawlib/.
If your government, professional, academic, business, or non-profit organization site relinks to the Internet Law Library at Pritchard Law Webs, we would be pleased to post an acknowledgement link.
If you relink from http://law.house.gov or add a new link, please let us know. Just drop us an email with your site name, linking page, and a contact name and E-mail address.
We Are Pleased to Acknowledge the Following Sites as Among Those Linking to the Internet Law Library at Pritchard Law Webs:
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- Asian School of Cyberlaws
- Association of Federal Defenders
- Auraria Library
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- Belarus: People, Society and Legislation
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- Bowling Green State University
- Briggs & Morgan
- Business Factory Inc.
- California State University at Fullerton
- California State University Northridge, University Library
- California Tax Information
- Cape Verdean Voice
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- Estate Planning Links Web Site
Listed as among best estate planning resources on the Web
- Excite Bankruptcy Resources
- Excite Directory
- FedCrimLaw.com
- Federal Aviation Administration Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition
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- Hämeen tietotekniikkakeskus Oy
- Hamline University Law Library
- HAPAX: French Resources on the Web
- Hennepin County Law Library
Listed as one of seven "Mega Legal Sites"
- Highland Park Public Library
- Humboldt State University
"A great list of antitrust law resources on the internet."
- Hunton & Williams
- Immi
- Independent Living
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- International Law Help
- Internet Law Meta-Index
- IQ India
- Jerry Buckner, Attorney at Law
- JohnnyJet.com
- Johnson State College Library
Listed as one of two "Essential First Stops" for Law and Legislation
- JurisNotes
- Kansas University Indian Law Research Guide
- Kevin A. Speir, Attorney at Law
- King Research & Law
Pritchard Law Webs has taken over [the Internet Law Library] and done a wonderful job of linking to the laws and making them searchable in various ways.
- Knapp Petersen & Clarke PC
- Lake County Law Library Association
- La-Legal.com
- Law Library of Congress Guide to Law Online
- Law Library Resource Exchange
- Law Offices of Steven D. Imparl
- Law.Net
Law.Net says the Former U.S. House of Representatives Law Library "appears to be the mother of all internet libraries."
- Lawchek
- Library Spot
- Loislaw.com
- LookSmart
- Louisiana State University
- Louisiana State University Libraries
- Magellan Internet Guide
- MagnusMens.com
- Mara University of Technology (Malaysia)
- Marshall Islands Web Resources
- Massachusetts School of Law
- MDM Juris
- Medical Device Consulting
- Metro Legal Services
- Minnesota Continuing Legal Education
- Minnesota State Bar Association
Listed as one of six recommended general purpose legal research "jumping off points" for lawyers
- Minnesota State Law Library
"This respected site, formally hosted by the U.S. House of Representatives, was discontinued in May 1999. ? Pritchard Law Webs is a recommended successor." - from On the Road Again: A Guided Tour of Selected Sites on the Information Superhighway
- My Academic Only Homepage
- National Employment Lawyers Association
- National Workplace Standards, Inc.
- Navajo Central
- News on the Web
- NM Grande.com
- North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers
- North Texas Chapter, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn.
- Northeasten Illinois University
- Northeastern University Law Library
The Top Web Sites No Legal Researcher Should Be Without: "Originally made available to the public at the U.S. House of Representatives web site in January 1995, the Internet Law Library quickly became a favorite site for legal researchers."
- Northern Light
- Oceana Law Publications
- Ohio Public Library Information Network
- Ohio Public Library Information Network
- Oil Survey
- Oklahoma Corporation Commission
- OneLaw.com
- Open Directory Project
- Open Here!
- Panoptek
- PaperlessTechnology.com
- ParlaLex
- People To People Committee On Disability
- Plymouth State College
- Privacy Council
- Project Vote Smart
- Purdue University Calumet MBA for Executives Program
- QuestionsAnswered.com
- Refdesk.com
- Rinke-Noonan Law Firm
- Roanoke College Library
- Rosenberg Library
- San Jose State University
- Sandia National Laboratories
- Santa Fe Citizen's Information
- Searchopolis
- Seattle Public Library
- SecureInfo Corporation
- Se-il's Korean Law
- South Carolina Association of CPAs
- Southern Methodist University
- St. Mary's University Library
When [the House of Representatives] ceased supporting the [Internet Law Library], the files were picked up by several different hosts. Pritchard Law Webs is one of these that seems committed to continuing to maintain the databases and link collection.
- St. Paul Public Library
- State University of West Georgia
- Steele Memorial Library, Elmira, NY
- Stirling Law
- Superior Court of Delaware
- Teacher Oz's Kingdom of History
- Technical Answer Group, Inc.
- Texas A&M University-Commerce James G. Gee Library
- Thomson & Thomson
- Tinker Air Force Base Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center
- Toxic Waste Sites
EXTENSIVE collection of links to public health & safety, housing, workplace & school, environment, education and consumer laws. There are also countless links to state statutes, rules & regulations. [I]f you are searching or trying to reference a regulation or the text to a piece of legislation you?ll likely find a reference here.
- UncleSam.net
- United States Government Printing Office
- University Libraries at the University of Missouri - Kansas City
- University of Buffalo
- University of Denver
- University of Illinois, Champain-Urbana Government Documents Library
- University of Main System Libraries
- University of Michigan Documents Center
- University of Minnesota Law Library
- University of Mississippi Law Library
"[T]his site is fully searchable. The ILL is one of the most complete directories of online law on the web?"
- University of North Dakota School of Law
- University of Nottingham Singapore Law Students' Society
- University of Southern Mississippi Libraries
- University of Wisconsin - River Falls
- Utah State University Internet Quick Reference (IQR)
- Vanderbilt University
- Vermont University Libraries
- Virginia Tech University Libraries
- Virtual Institute
- Virtual Medical Law Center
- VirtualAve.net
- Wahaa!
- Warrenville Public Library District
- WCSOnline.net - The Internet for Southwest Texas
- Webcrawler Bankruptcy Resources
- Webcrawler Reference Channel
- Webcrawler Top Legal Research Sites
- Weissman, Nowack, Curry & Wilco, P.C.
- Wells Anderson Legal Tech Services
"When the U.S. House of Representatives discontinued the publicly funded Internet Law Library, Pritchard Law Webs and others picked up where the Houe left off. ? Want to read the constitution of the Philippines? Here is the place to go."
- We're BetterKnown!
- West Virginia University Institute of Technology Vining Library
- Westchester University Francis Harvey Green Library
- Western Carolina University
- Western Kentucky University
- Western Maryland College
- Winter Park Public Library
- Yahoo!
- Youngstown State University Maag Library
- ZDNet
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