Thanks to the
folks at WebTechs
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Validation Service.
to Stephen Turner for providing free access to
his Analog WWW server log analysis
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Recreational Software Advisory Council, and
Vancouver Web Pages for providing free
acces to their PICS (Platform for Internet
Content Selection) label generators.
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their GIFBot image optimizer.
Thanks also to Aland Anderson (Alan Anderson Stamp Store),
Joaquim Baptista (New University of Lisbon),
John Beck (InReference, Inc.),
Clayton L. Coleman (Coleman Electronic Services),
Marios D. Dikaikos (University of Cyprus),
Jan Oskar Engene (contributor to the FOTW Flags of the World website),
the Flag Institute,
Royal Frazier (INTERcoNnEcTions),
Mario Frick (Liechtenstein News),
Gopi Garge,
Gibson Grafx,
Howard W. Gordon (American Immigration Lawyers Association),
Philip Greenspan,
Bill Haddican (University of Guadalajara),
Richard Hudson (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville),
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Public Information Office,
Brian Lieb (Wyoming State Government),
Gregory Luneau (Internet Solutions, Inc.),
Fabian Martinez (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador),
Emmanuel Martinoli (Association de soutien a un referendum libre et regulier au Sahara occidental),
Warren McCall (British Columbia Ministry of Small Business, Tourism and Culture),
Daeron Meyer (Center for the Computation and Visualization of Geometric Structures at the University of Minnesota),
Hany Negib,
Steven E. Pinson (Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Fish and Game Division),
Marko Puljic (Napredak On-Line),
Slaven Radic (ArtArtArt Directory),
Randy D. Ralph (Guilford Technical Community College),
Mitch Rice,
Dara Sales,
Gerry Seager (Penny Hill Press),
Mark Sensen (contributor to the FOTW Flags of the World website),
Sonya Shooshan (and her colleages at the National Criminal Justice Reference Service),
David Siegel (verso),
Art Sorensen (Government of the Northwest Territories of Canada),
Sean Sweeney (International Gallery of Art),
Anthony Thyssen (Griffith University),
Horace Vallas (hav.Software),
Christopher J. S. Vance (Australian Defense Forces Academy), and
Dan Umstead (Oneida Indian Nation)
for giving permission to use images from their Internet servers.
Thanks to the U.S. Naval Observatory Directorate of Time for access to their Running Master Clock.
Thanks to A1C Richard Harris, webmaster of Bolling Air
Force Base for permission to use the U.S. Air
Force Band rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner (838 kilobytes).
And last, but certainly not least, thank you to The
Lawyers' Guide to the Internet, The Internet Lawyer,
the Regan/Davey Survey,, Point Survey, Law Practice
Management, Lycos, Environment & Internet, the Magellan Internet Guide,
NBNSOFT, the Scout Report, Law Information ALERT, the A#1 Quality Directory,
Internet Law Researcher, Net Guide, Law Resources via the
Internet, Virtuocity, Infoseek Guide, Yahoo! Internet Life, the
WWWorld Ribbon Award, WebCrawler, Excite, the NetGiver Award, Lunar Law Links, Eye on the Web,
RaD Graphics and Web Designs, BPEG, Walking the Internet, LionArt Productions,
Online Access, A Pocket Tour of Law on the Internet, PC Novice
Guide to the Web, CyberHound's Web Guide, Microsoft Bookshelf
Internet Directory, Great American Web Book, How to Use the Internet
for Legal Research, the National Information Infrastructure Awards Program, the Horizon
Awards, DePaul University Libraries, The Internet Newsletter: Legal & Business
Aspects, the Médaille d'Or for Web Site Excellence, Washington Web, The Legal
List: Research on the Internet, the Law Library of Congress, Leflaw, and the Quiet Revolution
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