Internet Law Library: Property
- Alaska Statutes, title 35 (Public Buildings, Works, and Improvements)
- Albania Constitution, article 11 (Property)
- Albania Constitution, article 12 (Property for Foreigners)
- American Bar Association Public Contract Law material
- Belarus Law of Ownership (December 11, 1990)
- Belarus Law on Destatization & Privitization of State Property (January 19, 1993)
- Bennis v. Michigan (U.S., 1996) (forfeiture of jointly owned property used in crime)
- Code of Federal Regulations, title 41, chapters 50, 60, and 61 (Public Contracts and Property Management)
- Degen v. U.S. (U.S., 1996) (Fugative Disentitelment Doctorine)
- Eritrea Constitution, article 23 (Right to Property)
- Federal Acquisition Regulations
- Federal Acquisition, Contracting, and Procurement laws
- Florida Statutes (1993), chapter 76 (attachment)
- Florida Statutes (1993), chapter 77 (garnishment)
- Florida Statutes (1993), chapter 78 (replevin)
- Florida Statutes (1993), chapter 82 (forcible entry and unlawful detainer)
- Hungary Act 39 of 1995 (Sale of State-Owned Entrepreneurial Assets) and related material (in English and Hungarian)
- India Constitution, part XII, chapter IV (Right to Property)
- Indiana Code, title 32 (Property)
- Korea (Republic) Constitution, article 23 (Property, Public Welfare, Expropriation)
- Malta Constitution, section 37 (Property)
- Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 30B (Uniform Procurement Act)
- Michigan Constitution, article X (Property)
- Namibia Constitution, article 16 (Property)
- Nepal Constitution, article 17 (Right to Property)
- New York Abandoned Property Law
- New York Lien Law
- New York Personal Property Law
- Poland Ministry of Privitization publications (in English and Polish)
- South Carolina Code of Laws, title 10 (Public Buildings and Property)
- South Carolina Code of Laws, title 27 (Property and Conveyances)
- South Carolina Code of Laws, title 28 (Eminent Domain)
- Syria Constitution, articles 14 (Ownership) and 15 (Expropriation)
- Tajikistan property law
- Tunisia Constitution, article 14 (Property)
- Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (December 1994 draft)
- Uniform Unclaimed Property Act ( July/August 1995 draft)
- U.S. v. Ursery (U.S., 1996) (civil forfeiture proceeding & double jeopardy)
- Wyoming Statutes, title 29 (Liens)
- Wyoming Statutes, title 34 (Property, Conveyances and Security Transactions)
- Zambia Privatisation Agency materials
- "Ancient Law" by Henry Maine (Chapter 8: The Early History of Property) (1861)
- "Economics of Legal Disputes Over the Ownership of Works of Art and Other Collectibles" by William Landes and Richard Posner
- "Federal Barriers to State and Local Privatization" Joint Economic Committee
- "Florida's Property Rights Act" by Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas
- "Measured Step to Protect Private Property Rights" by David Powell, et al. (Florida State University Law Review)
- "Navigating the Maze - Understanding and Negotiating Lien Claims" by William L. Larson
- "Origin of Property: Ockham, Grotius, Pufendorf, and Some Others" by John Kilcullen
- "Title to Sue in Cargo Claims" by Pauline Barratt (New Zealand)
- "Transaction Costs and Property Rights, Or, Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?" by Richard A. Epstein
- U.S. Federal Government procurement policy material compiled by Aquisition Reform Net
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