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For lawyers in private practice, corporate counsel, businesses, organizations, and government, we have a powerful subscriber edition built around our fully explorable law practice problem solving environment and intellectual capital system, Laugment.TM

It's an advanced lawyer augmentation system delivered in the form of a knowledge graph.

Laugment provides advanced, easy-to-use law practice thinking architecture via your desktop or handheld device browser.

As of January 1, 2023, Laugment knows more than 400,000 words and phrases. Because they are interconnected by 1,700,000 smart relationships, Laugment functions as an intellectual network extending your own mind. It also serves as a dynamic semantically-powered gateway to the best of the larger legal Web. If you don't have scores of dedicated knowledge management lawyers working on your behalf -- or, frankly, even if you do -- you need Laugment.

As a lawyer, you need an advanced lawyer-built law practice knowledge assistant / electronic mentor in myriad ways in your daily practice. But until Laugment came along, the Legal Web had no "brain" to make it more useful to practicing lawyers. The empty search box can't do what Laugment can do - make your most valuable asset -- your legal mind -- sharper, quicker, and more creative than ever. How? By providing you with a functioning "intellectual exoskeleton" magnifying your law practice mind -- one based on years of law practice modeling and real time legal transactive memory effects.

Here's what others have said.

And if you're an institutional client, or an in-house lawyer who hires outside counsel, let's talk about how we can mutually support your law firms' leap into 21st century-style value-magnified law practice.

Call us or ask us to call you.

Disclaimer: Laugment is not intended to substitute for a lawyer but rather to amplify the powers of smart people in real time and improve the lawyering process.


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Unfortunately, no. We are already busy making LawMoose better. Ultimately, making LawMoose better will provide the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people.

We are honored to have received awards, recognitions, and favorable reviews for LawMoose. New features and collections are always in the works. We believe LawMoose may well be the most innovative free legal resource on the Web. We hope you found it easy to use. (If not, please let us know how we can improve.)

We know that LawMoose can often connect you with information you can use and people and firms you want to find.

That said, we know that LawMoose cannot provide the specialized or particular information that some visitors seek. LawMoose is not an online legal advisor. It is a web directory and legal search engine, with enhanced knowledge management features. LawMoose cannot substitute for an attorney's advice or the results that might be obtained by a skilled legal researcher, reference librarian, or private investigator focusing on your specific legal or factual research need.

In general, law-related questions must be answered by locating analyzing and applying primary legal materials, such as constitutions, statutes, court and administrative rules, opinions issued by courts, agencies, etc. Many of the key materials may not be freely available on the Web. If they are, they may be a part of the so-called "invisible web" that search engines do not index. Legal authorities, wherever they may be found, are augmented by secondary reference works and the experience that legal professionals have acquired during their careers. Law and legal problems can be very complicated, subject to conflicting interpretations, and very fact-dependent. Reasonable people may disagree about what the law "is" or "ought to be." Legal problems can be expensive to resolve and have substantial consequences. While we hope that LawMoose is of service to you, we also want to let you know that its capability is of necessity limited.

Currently, LawMoose's web directory and search collections are of primary value to those interested in law from the Minnesota and Wisconsin perspective and those interested in the Minnesota and Wisconsin legal communities. We welcome visitors who have no special interest in Minnesota and Wisconsin law or the Minnesota and Wisconsin legal communities to use these resources. At the same time, we caution that laws and practices vary depending on the applicable legal jurisdiction.

Our World Legal Resource Center is designed help you find resources across the world that may be of assistance. It does not focus on a particular country, state or province, although you can certainly find materials pertinent to virtually every country in the world. These materials may or may not be relevant to your specific problem and may or may not be up-to-date.

If you have been unable to find the information you were seeking through our directory or our search collections, you may find our "Find out more about" links to be a valuable gateway to other resources. "Find out more about" links appear at the bottom of every search result page. Using them, you can search nearly twenty other web sites, ranging from complementary Minnesota and Wisconsin resources, to general legal resources, to the largest search engines on the Web.

At Pritchard Law Webs, our goal is to provide you with a useful law-related web site. We do not provide individualized advice, counsel, guidance, or review of your particular circumstances. We do not provide custom research, legal services or legal reference assistance. We do not generally provide referrals to other web sites, organizations, or to individuals. We cannot offer assurance that information you find through LawMoose is accurate, current, complete or sufficient. We do not invite disclosure of particular problems and cannot assume any responsibility to respond if and when disclosure occurs. We trust you understand the reasons why we must say all of these things.

You may find additional information through other law-related web sites, bar associations, law libraries, attorneys, courts, government agencies, special interest organizations, and other web-based search engines and directories.

We regularly add new sites to our search engine and new features to our own site.

We report on the evolution of LawMoose itself at http://www.lawmoose.com/index.cfm?Action=AboutLawMoose.ShowWhatsNew.

We report the general scope of our search collections at http://www.lawmoose.com/index.cfm?Action=AboutLawMoose.ShowSearchScope.

We report what people are saying about LawMoose at http://www.lawmoose.com/index.cfm?Action=AboutLawMoose.ShowReviews.

Every time we update our search collections, we add or remove thousands of web pages to our collections, reflecting changes made by the law-related sites LawMoose covers.

We hope the suggestions we have outlined help you find the information or resources you are seeking, or at least bring you closer to them. Thanks for using LawMoose. We hope that you will visit again. We hope you will let your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues know about LawMoose. Together, we can make the Web a more valuable tool for all of us.


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LawMoose, Laugment, Laugment Relationship Language, LawSaurus, Home of the Minnesota Legal Web, Minnesota Law Practice Web, Home of the Wisconsin Legal Web, Wisconsin Law Practice Web, LawMoose World Legal Resource Center, MooseBoost, and Lawyer Selector are service marks of Pritchard Law Webs.